
1 Rain Forever 4:23
2 Alicante 4:05
3 Remember 4:19
4 Where's Tomorrow? 4:55
5 My Only Witness 4:02
6 Painted Faces 4:23
“Mana ERG is, essentially, the music of Bruno De Angelis. While defying any convenient categories, Mana ERG’s music has elements of electronic ambience, muted industrial soundscapes, and the tripped-out lyrical abyss reminiscent of the Legendary Pink Dots. The six tracks run slightly over twenty-six minutes, so this is not a CD jam-packed with music. However, where the quantity might be lacking, the quality of the music is certainly more than compensatory. The songs on “Borderliners” are richly textured and well conceived, and are completely devoid of catchy hooks and melodious intent. This is a CD built perfectly for headphones, as the album’s intimacy offers the listener safe passage upon entering the convoluted labyrinth of sound. A strong track such as “Painted Faces” highlights this collection of challenging, yet engaging, music.” Industrial Nation (U.S.A.)
“It’s difficult to pigeonhole their sound. Firstly there’s an urge to communicate within their songs – indeed it sometimes sounds like an accompanied spoken work album much in the way CLOCK DVA or ATTRITION sometimes delved almost into Film Noir narrative. Add to this some rounded chants and poker-hot vocal motifs, all fitting contentedly into the musical core. And as for the music, it seems to span many genres without taking more than a hint from any one. Mostly I guess, I’d say they were aiming for something akin to film soundtrack, assimilating various elements of Rock and perhaps the dramatically darker moments of Goth. …and yet it is none too much like any of these comparisons. What they have here is a rich and somewhat unique sound which delves into dark corners with bright, warming illumination.”
Metamorphic Journeyman (U.K.)